Presentations by CKI team, 2008-2021
- Borgman, C. L. (2021, April). Data, Code, and Pipelines: Knowledge Infrastructures in Astronomy. Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture.
- Borgman, C. L. (2021, April). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research. Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), University of Luxembourg. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2021, March). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? A Social Science Perspective on Data Science. Women in Data Science Conference, University of Virginia. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2020, August). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Why Human Interaction with Data is a Hard Problem. Presented at ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., Darch, P. T., Pasquetto, I. V., & Wofford, M. F. (2020, June). Our knowledge of knowledge infrastructures: Lessons learned and future directions (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation). Report of Knowledge Infrastructures Workshop at UCLA, Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Data and Computational Research Program. Retieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2020 March). Open data, grey data, and stewardship: Universities at the privacy frontier. Presented at Colloquium Series of University of British Columbia, School of Information, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2019, November). Data: Unstable in concept and context [Lightning Talk]. Presented at Rich Context Workshop, National Press Club, Washington D.C. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2019, November). Data, infrastructure, and stewardship [Keynote]. Presented at Space Studies Board, National Academies of Sciences, Beckman Center, University of California, Irvine. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C.L. (2019, July). Whose Science? Whose Data? Whose Evidence?. Presented at Open Science and the Role of Common Evidence Sage Bionetworks 10th Anniversary Assembly Seattle, WA. Retrieved from Video of presentation at
- Borgman, C. L. (2019, June). Why Data Sharing and Reuse in Biomedicine are Hard to Do. Presented at University of California AI in Biomedicine Conference at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from
- Nebeker, C., Riek, L., Borgman, C. L., & Kelser, M. (2019, June). Responsible Use of AI in Biomedicine. Presented at A UC-wide Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Biomedicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, December). Research Data Alliance in the Science Data-Sharing Landscape. Presented at RDA-France Conference in Partnership with National Open Science Plan for France at Paris, France. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, December). Big Science, Little Science, and Open Science: Sustainability, Stewardship, and Knowledge Infrastructures. Presented at National Open Science Plan for France: From Strategy to Action at Paris, France. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, November). Data handling in theory and practice: Scholarship, stewardship, and libraries [Keynote]. Presented at Information Studies Congress on Data Handling, Institute of Library and Information Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Thompson, C., Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Traweek, S., & Golshan, M. S. (2018, November). Institutional Dimensions of Data Curation: Astronomy, Research Libraries, and Multiple Approaches to Curation. Presented at Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, October). Open data, grey data, and stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier. Presented at the Berkman Klein Tuesday Luncheon Series at Harvard University. Retrieved from Video of presentation at
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, October). The invisible knowledge infrastructure of astronomy: A sharper focus on blurry data. Presented at the Seamless Astronomy Colloquium at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Retrieved from Video of presentation at
- Borgman, C. L., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2018, September). Big data, little data, or no data? Systematic reviews in an age of open data. Keynote presented at the Cochrane Colloquium, Edinburgh. Retrieved from Video of presentation at
- Borgman, C. L., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2018, September). How and why do scientists reuse others’ data to produce new knowledge? Background, Foreground, and Beyond. Presented at the Cochrane Colloquium: Fringe Event, Edinburgh. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V., Mavergames, C., & Stewart, L. (2018, September). Beyond privacy: the emerging ethics of data reuse. Workshop presented at the Cochrane Colloquium 2018, Edinburgh. Retrieved from
- Darch, Peter T. (2018, July). Too Much, Too Soon?: Emerging Domains of Science and the Logic of Reproducibility. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Lancaster, UK. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). Big data, little data, or no data? iSchools, scholarship, and stewardship. Inaugural iSchool Lecture, Linnaeus University, Sweden. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). Data sharing and reuse in interdisciplinary scientific collaborations: Challenges of heterogeneous practice. Presented at the The Pufendorf IAS Symposium on Interdisciplinarity, Lund University, Sweden. Retrieved from. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Interdisciplinary Research. Keynote presented at the Data Theme Seminar Series, Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Sweden. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, May). The durability and fragility of knowledge infrastructures: Lessons learned from astronomy. Lund Observatory, Sweden. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V. (2018, April). The Making of “Fungible” Open Data in Biomedicine. Workshop presented at the Fellows’ Meeting, UCLA Institute for Society and Genetics. Video of presentation at
- Darch, P. T. (2018, March). Limits to the pursuit of reproducibility: Emergent data-scarce domains of science. Presented at the iConference 2018, Sheffield, UK.
- Borgman, C. L. (2018, February). Big data, little data, or no data? Scholarship and stewardship to build the UC digital library. Keynote presented at the The Digital Library Federation X Conference, University of California, Riverside. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., & Martone, M. (2018, February). Academic Senate and IT Leadership: Shared Governance in Practice. Presented at the University of California Information Technology Leadership Council, University of California, Irvine. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, December). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship and Stewardship. 2017 LISAA Fall Colloquium, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, December). Data, Code, Algorithms, and Astronomical Knowledge Production. Presented at the Galactic Center Group Workshop 2017, Luskin Conference Center, UCLA. Retrieved from
- Boscoe, B. M. (2017, December). Spacetime and codetime: 20 years of data reuse. Presented at the Galactic Center Group Workshop 2017, Luskin Conference Center, UCLA.
- Darch, P. T. (2017, December). Data Friction, Social Friction: Standardization Challenges in Emerging Domains of Science. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA.
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, November). If Data Sharing is the Answer, What is the Question? Information Access Seminar, Berkeley School of Information. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, November). Open Data, Trust, and Stewardship: Universities at the Privacy Frontier. The 10th Annual BCLT Privacy Lecture, Berkeley, CA. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Traweek, S., & Golshan, M. S. (2017, October). Same Data, Differing Objectives: What Happened When Research Libraries Took on a Large Scientific Dataset? Presented at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2017, Washington, DC. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V., & Mayernik, M. S. (2017, September). Decentralizing Climate Change Data while Preserving Scientific Value. Presented at the 4S Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, MA. Retrieved from
- Randles, B. M. (2017, September). Spacetime and code-time: Astronomical algorithms evolving through dimensions of temporality and materiality as scientists change technological practices. Presented at the 4S Annual Meeting 2017, Boston, MA. Retrieved from
- Randles, B. M., Chen, H., & Chen, H. (2017, August). Citing the Jupyter Notebook in the scientific publication process. Presented at the JupyterCon 2017, New York, NY. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, June). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Knowledge Infrastructures for the Earth Sciences. Keynote presented at the EarthCube 2017 All Hands Meeting, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., & Kay, D. G. (2017, June). Faculty Engagement to Reduce PII (Personally Identifiable Information) Risk. Presented at the University of California Cyber Risk Governance Committee, Oakland, CA. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T., & Borgman, C. L. (2017, May). The Challenges of Reproducibility In Data Scarce Fields. DataONE Webinar. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V. (2017, May). Research Ethics: The Use of Big Data. Panel Discussion, California Center for Population Research, UCLA. Retrieved from
- Randles, B. M. (2017, May). Sharing your code: Factors on going public. Presentation presented at the Python in Astronomy 2017, Lorentz Center, Leiden. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., & Pasquetto, I. V. (2017, April). Why Data Sharing and Reuse Are Hard To Do? Presented at the BD2K Guide to the Fundamentals of Data Science Webinar. Video of the presentation at
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, March). Academic Senate Engagement in Governance of IT and Cyber Risk. University of California Cyber Risk Governance Committee meeting, Oakland, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, March). Making, Curating and Engaging Data (UCLA Digital Humanities Seminar). Panel Presentation presented at the Big Data in Education and Information Studies: A Symposium by Interactions, UCLA GSE&IS Journal, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2017, March). The Durability and Fragility of Knowledge Infrastructures: Lessons Learned from Astronomy. Presentation presented at the Astrophysics Journal Club meeting, UCLA Division of Astronomy & Astrophysics. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V. (2017, March). On the Sharing and Reuse of Biomedical Data. Presented at the Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research Institute (PRIMER), Boston, Massachusetts.
- Golshan, M. S., Borgman, C. L., & Sands, A. E. (2017, February). Users and uses of a digital data archive: A case study of DANS. Keynote presented at the European Cooperation in Science and Technology: KnoweScape 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C, L. (2017, January). Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Sustaining Access to Research Data. Presented at the meeting on Protecting Climate Data in Times of Political Turmoil, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
- Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Golshan, M. S., & Traweek, S. (2017, January). From Sky to Archive: Long Term Management of Sky Survey Data. Presented at the 229th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Grapevine, TX. Retrieved from…22912801D
- Borgman, C. L. (2016, October). Motivations for Sharing and Reusing Data: Complexities and Contradictions in the Use of a Digital Data Archive. Quello Lecture, Michigan State University. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V. (2016, September). Making “Open Data” Work: Challenges for Data Integration in Genomics Research. Panel Presentation presented at the SciDataCon 2016, Denver, CO. Retrieved from
- Sands, A. E., & Borgman, C. L. (2016, September). Open Data in Astronomy Sky Surveys. Panel Presentation presented at the SciDataCon 2016, Denver, CO. Retrieved from
- Sands, A. E. (2016, August). Data Management in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Projects. Presented at the IPAC LSST Weekly Team Meeting, Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC).
- Darch, P. T., & Sands, A. E. (2016, June). It’s about time: How do sky surveys manage uncertainty about scientific needs many years into the future. Oral Presentation presented at the 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from…22831102D
- Sands, A. E., & Darch, P. T. (2016, June). What does it mean to manage sky survey data? A model to facilitate stakeholder conversations. Oral Presentation presented at the 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from…22831101S
- Borgman, C. L. (2016, May). Data Sharing: Where Scholarship meets Policy and Practice – a symposium with Christine L. Borgman (University of California). Maastricht University STS.
- Borgman, C. L. (2016, May). Data, Scholarship, and Libraries. Presentation, Bodleian Library, Oxford. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2016, May). Not Fade Away: Social Science Research Data in the Digital Era. Presented at the Sciences Research Council Meeting: Knowledge Rules: Curating Knowledge in the Social Sciences Social, New York Public Library. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., & Scharnhorst, A. (2016, May). Big Data, Little Data, No Data – Who is in Charge of Data Quality? Presented at the World Data System Webinar 9. Retrieved from
- Sands, A. E. (2016, May). Data Management in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Projects. Poster presented at the Cultural Patterns: Multiscale Data-driven Models, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2016, April). UCLA Center for Knowledge Infrastructures: If Data Sharing is the Question, What is the Answer? Presented at the Workshop on field studies of data and software work in science, Portland, OR. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T. (2016, April). How scientists assess trustworthiness of data produced by others: Do practices shape infrastructure, or vice versa? Poster presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V. (2016, April). The Data Are Open: Can We Reuse Them – Costs and Benefits of Open Data in Biomedical Research. Session presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Retrieved from
- Randles, B. M., Sands, A. E., & Borgman, C. L. (2016, April). Too big to share? Scaling up knowledge transfer workflows from little science to big science. Poster presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Recognized for Best Poster.
- Sands, A. E. (2016, April). Data Infrastructures in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Projects. Poster presented at the FORCE 2016 Conference, Portland, OR. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T. (2016, March). Many methods, many microbes: Methodological diversity and standardization in the deep subseafloor biosphere. Presented at the iConference 2016, Philadelphia, PA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., Golshan, M. S., Sands, A. E., Wallis, J. C., Cummings, R. L., & Randles, B. M. (2016, February). Data Management in the Long Tail: Social and Technical Opportunities. Presented at the 11th International Digital Curation Conference, Amsterdam. Retrieved from
- Sands, A. E., & Golshan, M. S. (2016, February). What is Data Management? Interpreting stakeholder expectations for archiving and serving research data. Presented at the DANS colloquium, DANS, The Hague.
- Sands, A. E., & Golshan, M. S. (2016, February). Employing Social Science Research Methods in the Study of Knowledge Infrastructures. Presented at the New Trends in eHumanities Meeting, Amsterdam. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, December). When and Why Should Research Data be Sustained? Presented at the National Science Foundation Workshop, Arlington, VA. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., & Traweek, S. (2015, November). Designing Data Infrastructures with Multiple, Disparate Networks. Presented at the 4S 40th Annual Meeting. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., Scharnhorst, A., van den Berg, H., Van de Sompel, H., & Treloar, A. (2015, October). Who Uses the Digital Data Archive? An Exploratory Study of DANS. In Proceedings of the 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Vol. 51). St. Louis, MO: Information Today. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, October). Creating, Collaborating, and Celebrating the Diversity of Research Data. Invited talk; GSLIMS Special Lecture, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, October). Keynote, Data Citation Principals Workshop. Keynote presented at the International Series of Workshops to Implement Data Citation Principles: Japan, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V., Sands, A. E., & Borgman, C. L. (2015, October). Exploring Openness in Data and Science: What is “Open,” to Whom, When, and Why? In Proceedings of the 78th ASIS&T Annual Meeting (Vol. 51). St. Louis, MO. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, August). Data Citation and Scholarship. Remote introductory presentation presented at the International Series of Workshops to Implement Data Citation Principles: China, China, Lan Zhou. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, July). ACM Web Science 2015. Presented at the WebSci’15, University of Oxford by the Oxford e-Research Centre.
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, June). Data, data everywhere — but how to manage and govern?. Presented at the Berkman Luncheon Series, Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, June). Dataverse in the Universe of Data. Keynote presented at the Dataverse Community Meeting 2015, IQSS, Harvard University. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, June). Data, Management, and Digital Science. Digital Science hosted event presented at the Technology Trends in Research Management, Showcasing Outputs & Collaboration (LA), Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, May). Big Data, Little Data, Open Data, and No Data. Presented at the Honorary Schneider Colloquia Series, University of Texas, Austin, iSchool. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, April). Why data are not publications: Potential potholes for STM publishers. Keynote presented at the STM Publishers Annual US Conference 2015, Washington, D.C., USA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, April). Why are data sharing and reuse so difficult to do?. Keynote presented at the Data Day 2015, Stanford. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Big Data and Little Data Across the Disciplines. Invited Lecture presented at the Transdisciplinary Studies Program Invited Lecture, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Big Data, Little Data, Open Data, and Libraries. Inaugural lecture presented at the Inaugural Göttingen Lecture on Library Futures, Göttingen University, Göttingen, Germany. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Creating, Collaborating, and Celebrating the Diversity of Research Data. Keynote presented at the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, March). Data, Scholarship, and Disciplinary Practice. Keynote presented at the Herrenhausen Conference: Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective, Hannover, Germany. Retrieved from
- Currie, M., Paris, B., Pasquetto, I. V., Pierre, J., Sands, A. E., & Lievrouw, L. A. (2015, March). Police Officer-Involved Homicide Database Project. Presented at the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T., & Sands, A. E. (2015, March). Beyond Big or Little Science: Understanding Data Lifecycles in Astronomy and the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere. Presented at the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, CA. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T. (2015, March). From Seafloor to Onshore: Infrastructures and Laboratory Practices for Studying Subseafloor Microbial Life. UIUC Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Retrieved from
- Pasquetto, I. V. (2015, March). Open Data in Natural Science. Case Studies from Astronomy, Earth and Ocean Science. Poster presented at the Herrenhausen Conference: Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective, Hannover, Germany. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2015, March). Lecture on STEM gender & ethnicity issues. Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology (OIST), Japan.
- Traweek, S. (2015, March). Geographies of Gender, Militarism, and Climate Change: CSW Research Scholar Brown Bag Seminar. Discussant presented at the Geographies of Gender, Militarism, and Climate Change: CSW Research Scholar Brown Bag Seminar, UCLA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, January). If Data Sharing is the Answer, What is the Question? ERCIM News, 100(Special Theme: Scientific Data Sharing and Re-use). Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2015, January). Why are data sharing and reuse so difficult? Presented at the 2015 FaceBase Annual Meeting, Marina del Rey, CA. Retrieved from
- Sands, A. E. (2015, January). Managing Astronomy Research Data: Case Studies of Big and Small Research Projects. Presented at the The 225th American Astronomical Society Meeting, Seattle, WA. Retrieved from…22542204S
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, December). Keynote. Presented at the Data Rights & Data Wrongs, MPR, Student Community Center, UC Davis. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2014, December). Dark Data — Absence and Intervention (Interlocutor responses and general discussion). Session discussant presented at the Fifth meeting of the Knowledge / Value series (K/V5): Dark Data — Absence and Intervention, University of Exeter, UK. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2014, December). Data practices in contemporary physics and astrophysics. Presented at the ERC Exploratory Workshop: What Is Data-Intensive Science?, Exeter, UK. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, November). Data, Scholarship, and the eHumanities. eMagazine, 4. Retrieved from
- Darch, P. T., & Borgman, C. L. (2014, November). Ship Space to Database: Motivations to Manage Research Data for the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere. In Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Seattle, WA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, October). Data Scholarship in the Humanities. Presented at the New Trends in eHumanities (eHumanities Group Research Meeting), Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, October). The Knowledge Infrastructure of Astronomy. Presented at the Seamless Astronomy Lab, Seminar Presentation, Phillips Auditorium, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Cambridge, MA. Retrieved from
- Sands, A. E. (2014, October). How and Why to Manage Astronomy Research Data: Case Studies of Big and Small Research Projects. Poster presented at the 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Guarujá, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, September). Data Data Everywhere, Nor Any Drop to Drink. Keynote presented at the Research Data Alliance, Fourth Plenary Meeting, Amsterdam. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., Darch, P. T., Sands, A. E., Wallis, J. C., & Traweek, S. (2014, September). The Ups and Downs of Knowledge Infrastructures in Science: Implications for Data Management. Presented at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL/TPDL 2014), London. Retrieved from ;
- Traweek, S. (2014, August). Anthropology and STS: Dis/Encounters and Potential South-North Exchanges II. Session Chair presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2014, August). Excessive Meshworks. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, May). Session: Bringing the Benefits of Paper to Electronic. Presented at the Legislative Data and Transparency Conference, Committee on House Administration 1309 Longworth HOB.
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). Big Data, Little Data, No Data: Scholarship in the Networked World. Presented at the Yahoo Seminar Series, School of Information University of Michigan.
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). Data, Metadata, and Ted. Presented at the Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson, Chapman College, California.
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). The Data Dance. Workshop presented at the Big: Culture and Data in the Digital Field, University of California, Irvine; Center for Ethnography and the Intel Science & Technology Center for Social Computing.
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, April). The Roles of Data Citation in Data Management. Presented at the Dealing with the Data Deluge: Successful Techniques for Scientific Data Management, NISO Virtual Conference.
- Darch, P. T. (2014, April). Opening up a Dark Habitat and Opening up Data: The Co-emergence of Scientific Collaboration, Infrastructure for Data-sharing, and Data-sharing Practice. Presented at the British Sociological Association Annual Meeting, University of Leeds, UK.
- Darch, P. T. (2014, March). Ship Space and Database: The Co-shaping of Spatial Configurations Aboard Ocean Drilling Cruise Ships and Material Artifacts of Practice in Onshore Laboratories. Session 7 Materiality and Information presented at the Why Things Matter Conference, California State Fullerton.
- Sands, A. E. (2014, March). Scientific Research Data: Volume, Infrastructure, and Management Expertise. Session 5 Materiality of the Internet presented at the Why Things Matter Conference, California State Fullerton.
- Sands, A. E. (2014, March). Who will manage scientific research data? Poster presented at the Research Data Access and Preservation Summit 2014, San Diego, CA.
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, February). Big data, little data, no data: scholarship in the networked world. Plenary presented at the VALA 2014, Melbourne, Australia. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2014, February). The role of data citation in scholarly communication. Panel presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Darch, P. T. (2014, February). Managing the Public to Manage Data: Citizen Science and Astronomy. Presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Wynholds, L. A., & Traweek, S. (2014, February). “We’re Working on It:” Transferring the Sloan Digital Sky Survey from Laboratory to Library. Presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Wallis, J. C. (2014, February). Data Producers Courting Data Reusers: Two cases from modeling communities. Presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Darch, P. T., & Cummings, R. (2013, December). Buried deep: How data about subseafloor life becomes dark and why. Presented at the American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Cummings, R., & Darch, P. T. (2013, December). Between land and sea: divergent data stewardship practices in deep-sea biosphere research. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Wallis, J. C., Rood, R. B., Murphy, S., Cinguini, L., & DeLuca, C. (2013, December). Evaluation of the Earth System CoG Infrastructure in Supporting a Model Intercomparison Project. Poster presented at the American Geophysical Union 46th Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, November). Big Data, Little Data, No Data: The Contested Landscape of Data Sharing and Reuse. Presented at the Trends in Society and Information Technology Seminar, University of California, Irvine.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, November). Scholarship in the Networked World: Big Data, Little Data, No Data. Presented at the UCLA Department of Information Studies Colloquium, GSE&IS Building (north campus) Room 111.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, October). Data Sharing: A Problem of Supply or of Demand? Presented at the IHC’s Machines People and Politics RFG, University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, October). Data Sharing and the Role of Libraries. Presented at the Open Access Week at UCLA, Charles E. Young Research Library Presentation Room.
- Darch, P. (2013, October). Becoming “hyperdisciplinary”: the implications of increasingly hybrid collaborations. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Sands, A. E., Traweek, S., & Borgman, C. L. (2013, October). Co-Producing Knowledge: Scientific Research Data Practices and Workforce. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Traweek, S. (2013, October). Roundtable: Disaster-STS. Session discussant presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2013, October). Technoscience Epistemologies: What’s Next?. Presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, September). Digital Scholarship and Digital Libraries: Past, Present, and Future. Keynote presented at the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Valletta, Malta.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, September). Why Are Scientific Data Rarely Reused? Keynote presented at the Information Policies in Science International Seminar, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Rome, Italy. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., & De Roure, D. (2013, June). Data issues in the arts and sciences: commonalities and differences. Presented at the Wolfson Symposium on Digital Research: Crossing over Disciplines, Wolfson College, University of Oxford.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, June). Scholarship in the Networked World. Oliver Smithies Lecture, Lecture Room XXIII, Balliol College.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, May). ADS, Astronomy, and Scholarly Infrastructure. Keynote presented at the ADS XX Anniversary, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, May). “Problems of Attribution” Managing Provenance, Ethics, and Metrics. Presented at the Joint ORCID – Dryad Symposium on Research Attribution, St Anne’s College in Oxford, UK.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, May). Sharing, Reusing, and Repurposing Data. seminar, Oxford e-Research Centre.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, April). Response to “the Future of Research Libraries.” Response, Oxford Internet Institute.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, March). Beyond the PDF2. Force 11 Meeting Panelist, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, March). Big data and the long tail: Use and reuse of little data. Seminar presented at the Hilary 2013 seminar series, Oxford eResearch Centre, University of Oxford.
- Borgman, C. L. (2013, February). Local or global? Making sense of the data sharing imperative. British Library, London.
- Traweek, S. (2013, February). Databases in Basic Research: Scale Matters. Colloquium presented at the UCLA History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, UCLA.
- Borgman, C. L., Sands, A. E., & Wynholds, L. A. (2013, January). Astronomy: On the Bleeding Edge of Scholarly Infrastructure (Poster). Poster presented at the American Astronomical Society, Long Beach, CA.
- Stephenson, L., & Cummings, R. (2012, December). Data Management for Education Research. University of California, Los Angeles Urban Schooling Division.
- Traweek, S. (2012, December). Radiation, STS, and Epistemic Justice: 6 August 1945 to 11 March 2011. Presented at the Open Seminar, Pufendorf Institute.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, November). Digital Scholarship: Three Decades in Internet Time. Presented at the Oliver Smithies Visiting Fellowship Inaugural Lecture, Balliol College, University of Oxford.
- Traweek, S. (2012, November). A culture-of-no-culture? Big Science, Gender, and Glocal Perspectives. Presented at the Gender and Technology Colloquium, Linköping University.
- Traweek, S. (2012, November). Meshworks and Faultlines in Data Practices. Gothenburg University.
- Traweek, S. (2012, November). Workshop commentator. Presented at the Workshop on Ethnographies of Technoscience, Linköping University.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, Fall). Information, Infrastructure, and the Internet: Three Decades of Digital Scholarship. Presented at the Oxford Internet Institute Seminar Series, University of Oxford.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, October). Promises and perils of sensor networks. Session discussant presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Wynholds, L. A., & Traweek, S. (2012, October). Follow the Data: How astronomers use and reuse data. Poster presented at the ASIS&T 75th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- Traweek, S. (2012, October). Disaster Studies workshop. Presented at the Society for the History of Technology Annual meeting.
- Traweek, S. (2012, October). Glocal facets of big science. Keynote presented at the Symposium with the Vice Chancellor: The European Spallation Source and MaxIV in Lund: Promises and realities of large scale science facilities, Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies.
- Traweek, S. (2012, October). Legitimizing ESS I: the birth and death of large-scale facilities. Session discussant presented at the Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Wallis, J. C. (2012, October). Increasing the Odds in Opportunistic Science (in the session Promises and perils of sensor networks). Presented at the Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Wynholds, L. A. (2012, October). Temporalities of Mobility: When to assemble a sensor network and when to assemble a network of data. (In the session: Promises and perils of sensor networks). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Sands, A. E., Borgman, C. L., Wynholds, L. A., & Traweek, S. (2012, September). Surf’s Up: Riding the Big Data Wave. Poster presented at the Internet, Politics, Policy 2012: Big Data, Big Challenges?, Oxford Internet Institute (OII, University of Oxford).
- Traweek, S. (2012, September). Anthropology and the History of Science and Technology – Studying Big Science in Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States. Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2012, September). Astronomers and their Data Practices. Presented at the Third workshop of the Knowledge/ Value series (K/V3): Information, Databases and Archives, The University of Chicago Center in Beijing. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2012, September). Lund University, Physics Department.
- Wynholds, L. A. (2012, June). Archiving Scientific Data on the Web. Workshop presented at the Exploring the WAC; Challenges in Providing Access to the Worl’d Web Archives, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, May). Data Citation and Attribution. Presented at the International Workshop on Contributorship and Scholarly Attribution., Institute for Quantitative Social Sciences at Harvard University.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, April). Local or global? Making sense of the data sharing imperative (keynote). Presented at the The Fourth Annual University of Massachusetts and New England Area Librarians eScience Symposium.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, March). Reproducibility: Gold or Fool’s Gold in Digital Social Research? Keynote presented at the Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights, Oxford Internet Institute.
- Borgman, C. L. (2012, March). Research Data, Reproducibility, and Curation. Presented at the Digital Social Research: A Forum for Policy and Practice, Oxford Internet Institute Invitational Symposium.
- Traweek, S. (2012, January). Funding for Research in Astronomy within and beyond Japan since WW II – 2012 HAD Meeting Abstracts. Presented at the HAD II Special: Funding Astronomy in the Post-World War II Era, Room 12A, Austin Convention Center.
- Traweek, S. (2012, January). Instabilities and Trust: Basic Research Data Under Construction. Presented at the Data2012: Coming Together Around Data, a PI Meeting for Datanet and INTEROP, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2011, October). Japanese Scientists and Global Science Policies: Building Trust, Commons, and Civil Society – Conference Dinner and Keynote Address Ohio State University Faculty Club. Mershon Center for International Security Studies 1501 Neil Ave. Columbus, OH 43201.
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, September). Local or global? Making sense of the data sharing imperative. Keynote presented at the A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
- Traweek, S. (2011, September). Collaborative ethnography in search of big data practices in astronomy. Presented at the Seminar, Umea University, Umea, Sweden.
- Traweek, S. (2011, September). Keynote Address, Program on Cultures of Science and Technology. Centre of Human and Social Sciences (CCHS), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Madrid, September 2011. Presented at the Program on Cultures of Science and Technology. Madrid, Spain.
- Traweek, S., & Elena Bougleux. (2011, September). Keynote Address, Symposium on Gender & Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden, Sept 2011. Presented at the Cultural Choreographies of Technoscience, Centre for Gender Research / Uppsala University.
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, August). Why are the attribution and citation of scientific data important? Keynote presented at the Developing Data Attribution and Citation Practices and Standards An International Symposium and Workshop: US CODATA and the Board on Research Data and Information, in collaboration with CODATA-ICSTI Task Group on Data Citation Standards and Practices, Berkeley, CA.
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, July). Is data to knowledge as the wasp is to the fig tree? Reconsidering Licklider’s Intergalactic Network in the days of data deluge. Position paper presented at the Accelerating discovery: Human-computer symbiosis 50 years on, Park City, Utah, Argonne National Labs, ICIS. ;
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, May). How is research being made available in formal and informal ways and what can be done now to make it available for future scholars? Keynote presented at the Harvard Digital Scholarship Summit, Harvard Business School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, April). Information, infrastructure, and the internet: reflections on three decades in internet time. Opening Plenary presented at the Coalition for Networked Information Spring 2011 Membership Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Traweek, S. (2011, March). Imploded in data: intersectionality, meshwork, and border crossings in astronomy. Presented at the NSF ADVANCE Talks, Anthropology Dept, Rice University.
- Traweek, S. (2011, March). NSF ADVANCE Colloquium. Rice University, Houston, Texas.
- Borgman, C. L., Bowker, G. C., Palmer, C. L., & Tenopir, C. (2011, February). DataNet: Collaboration, Curation, and Data in the iSchools. Conference Panel presented at the iConference, Seattle, WA.
- Traweek, S. (2011, February). Intersectionality and Border Crossings in Databases. Presented at the Information Studies Department Colloquium, University of California, Los Angeles.
- Wynholds, L. A., Fearon Jr, D. S., Borgman, C. L., & Traweek, S. (2011, February). Awash in stardust: Data practices in astronomy (poster). Poster presented at the iConference, Seattle, WA.
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, January). Data, data, everywhere: How many drops to drink? Scholarly Communication: Changes, Challenges, & Initiatives Symposium panel presented at the A Decade in Internet Time: Symposium on the Dynamics of the Internet and Society, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford.
- Borgman, C. L. (2011, January). When do Observations Become Data? Lessons from Sensor Networks and Environmental Sciences. Presented at the Biostatistics Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles.
- Borgman, C. L. (2010, December). Symposium on Libraries, Librarians, and Data. Presented at the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from
- Wynholds, L. A. (2010, December). Linking to Scientific Data: Identity Problems of Unruly and Poorly Bounded Digital Objects. Presented at the 6th International Digital Curation Conference, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2010, November). Regulation of Scholarship in the Digital Age. Presented at the Complexity of Regulation: Annual Business Network and Board of Trustees’ Symposium, Santa Fe Institute. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2010, October). Gender and Technology Colloquium. Danish Pedagogical University, Copenhagen. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2010, October). Studying Japan-US Collaborations – NSF Tokyo Regional Office 50th Anniversary Symposium. Presented at the Highlights of U.S.-Japan Collaboration: Key Achievements and Future Opportunities, Tokyo American Center. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2010, September). Research Data: Who will share what, with whom, when, and why? Presented at the China-North America Library Conference, Beijing. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2010, September). Keynote Address, Workshop on Scientific Collaboration, Interdisciplinary Pedagogy and the Knowledge Economy. Presented at the Interdisciplinary Pedagogy and the Knowledge Economy, University of Oxford.
- Traweek, S. (2010, August). Joint Conference, Society for Social Studies of Science and East Asian Association for Studies of Science and Technology. Tokyo, Japan.
- Traweek, S. (2010, August). Performing Trust at the Fault Lines of Glocal Science. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science, Tokyo, Japan. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2010, August). Why are social scientists interested in HEP? Presented at the Archives for Scientific Studies, KEK Archives Office- HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2010, June). Why data matters to librarians – and how to educate the next generation. Presented at the Symposium on The Changing Role of Libraries in Support of Scientific Data Activities, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., & Palmer, C. L. (2010, June). The Data Conservancy: Science-driven Information Science. Presented at the Berlin Research Colloquium / Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Berlin, Germany. Retrieved from
- Traweek, S. (2010, June). Culture Clashes in Data Sharing. Presented at the AstroInformatics 2010 Conference – June 16, 3:30-5 Datacentric computing, Cahill Center for Astronomy & Astrophysics, Caltech, Pasadena, CA, USA. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2010, May). The Digital Archive: The Data Deluge arrives in the Humanities. Presented at the “Time Will Tell, But Epistemology Won’t: In Memory of Richard Rorty” A Celebration of Richard Rorty’s Archive, University of California, Irvine. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L. (2010, May). The Digital Future is Now: What the Humanities can Learn from eScience. Presented at the Libraries in the Digital Age, Zadar, Croatia. Retrieved from
- Borgman, C. L., Fearon, D. S., Traweek, S., Wynholds, L. A., & Fidler, B. (2010, February). Embodying Research Methods into Fields and Tables: A Process of Informed Database Design. Poster presented at the iConference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Retrieved from