The article “We’re Working On It: Transferring the Sloan Digital Sky Survey from Laboratory to Library” by Sands, Borgman, Traweek and Wynholds is now published and accessible on the IJDC website. The article describes the transfer of a large scientific dataset from a national laboratory to a university library, and from one kind of workforce to another. The authors use the transfer of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) archive to examine the emergence of a new workforce for scientific research data management. The findings presented in the article are based on semi-structured interviews, ethnographic participant observation, and archival studies from 2011-2013 conducted by the KI team. This work was also presented at the 9th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) in February.
Read the article: We’re Working On It: Transferring the Sloan Digital Sky Survey from Laboratory to Library
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